FILM: Roland Carline – The Secret Life Of Bees
The Secret Life of Bees (2020) was a live work made in Lewisham, London with Meet Me at the Albany, The Rachel Macmillan Nursery, Sacha Thomas and Rachel Gildea. Carline worked with Sacha Thomas and Rachel Gildea to create a song, movement and spoken word performance based on the life of bees with flamboyant costumes and props. The film documents rehearsals and performances at The Albany, Deptford and Goldsmiths CCA in 2019.
We would like to dedicate the sharing of this film to the memory of Jean Prior and Jacquie Channing-Hamon who sadly passed away recently. Jean and Jacquie brought energy, enthusiasm and laughs to the show and will be remembered in this film.
Originally commissioned by Deptford X and Goldsmiths CCA as part of 4 LIVE WORKS (2019).
Roland Carline has been working in social work and applied arts in community settings since 1998. His commission with Goldsmiths CCA was the result of a long-term engagement, and saw Carline present four live works that manifested across the span of the exhibition, and feature his signature props, costumes and ‘loose parts’. The works moved through the register of humour and absurdity, celebrates collusion, and forges an embodied mode of spectatorship that sits with ambiguity and discomfort. For Carline the performers are at the heart of the process, so that the work itself can fall apart and reconstitute in new and unforeseen ways. Carline’s approach is to retreat into the work, allowing collaborators to take the lead – disrupting prevailing ideas of hierarchy within the artists’ practice.
Meet Me at the Albany is an all-day arts club for the over 60’s quite unlike anything that has come before. Based at South East London’s Albany arts centre, an all year programme of events creates opportunities for people to meet new friends and try out a whole range of new activities and experiences. Meet Me at the Albany takes place every Tuesday and is co-produced by Entelechy Arts and the Albany.
The Rachel Macmillan Nursery opened in 1914 in the heart of Deptford community. They are thought to be the first ‘Open Air’ Nursery School in England.
Rachel Gildea is an independent dance artist doing socially engaged work in diverse communities. She is a Co-Director of BLINK Dance Theatre. She has a BA Dance and Culture (Surrey University) and an MA in Applied Theatre (Goldsmiths University).
Sacha Thomas is a professional singer and songwriter from South London who joined the project through The Albany’s Young Creatives Programme.
The Secret Life of Bees (2020) was a live work made in Lewisham, London with Meet Me at the Albany, The Rachel Macmillan Nursery, Sacha Thomas and Rachel Gildea. Carline worked with Sacha Thomas and Rachel Gildea to create a song, movement and spoken word performance based on the life of bees with flamboyant costumes and props. The film documents rehearsals and performances at The Albany, Deptford and Goldsmiths CCA in 2019.
We would like to dedicate the sharing of this film to the memory of Jean Prior and Jacquie Channing-Hamon who sadly passed away recently. Jean and Jacquie brought energy, enthusiasm and laughs to the show and will be remembered in this film.
Originally commissioned by Deptford X and Goldsmiths CCA as part of 4 LIVE WORKS (2019).
Roland Carline has been working in social work and applied arts in community settings since 1998. His commission with Goldsmiths CCA was the result of a long-term engagement, and saw Carline present four live works that manifested across the span of the exhibition, and feature his signature props, costumes and ‘loose parts’. The works moved through the register of humour and absurdity, celebrates collusion, and forges an embodied mode of spectatorship that sits with ambiguity and discomfort. For Carline the performers are at the heart of the process, so that the work itself can fall apart and reconstitute in new and unforeseen ways. Carline’s approach is to retreat into the work, allowing collaborators to take the lead – disrupting prevailing ideas of hierarchy within the artists’ practice.
Meet Me at the Albany is an all-day arts club for the over 60’s quite unlike anything that has come before. Based at South East London’s Albany arts centre, an all year programme of events creates opportunities for people to meet new friends and try out a whole range of new activities and experiences. Meet Me at the Albany takes place every Tuesday and is co-produced by Entelechy Arts and the Albany.
The Rachel Macmillan Nursery opened in 1914 in the heart of Deptford community. They are thought to be the first ‘Open Air’ Nursery School in England.
Rachel Gildea is an independent dance artist doing socially engaged work in diverse communities. She is a Co-Director of BLINK Dance Theatre. She has a BA Dance and Culture (Surrey University) and an MA in Applied Theatre (Goldsmiths University).
Sacha Thomas is a professional singer and songwriter from South London who joined the project through The Albany’s Young Creatives Programme.
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